Applied Nutrition Analysis at Auburn Chiropractic Health Clinic

Get to the Root of your Health Issues with ANA

Optimal Nutrition in Auburn, AL

Discovering Optimal Nutrition in Auburn, AL

At Auburn Chiropractic Health Clinic, our dedication to your health goes beyond traditional methods. We want to share an innovative approach we use to enhance our patients' health—Nutrition Response Testing through Applied Nutritional Analysis. We aim to provide the residents of Auburn, Opelika, and surrounding areas with tools to help you live a healthier and happier life.

What is Applied Nutrition Analysis?

Applied Nutrition Analysis is a highly scientific and precise method that allows us to understand your body's specific nutritional needs. When I first encountered ANA, I was skeptical. However, after extensive study and personal experience, I discovered its profound impact on health. This method has not only improved my well-being but also empowered me to help many others in our community achieve better health.

Through ANA, we analyze your body’s neurological reflexes and acupuncture points. These reflexes provide critical insights into the energy flow and health of each organ in your body. By understanding these signals, we can create a tailored health improvement program that addresses your unique nutritional needs.

The Analysis Process

Our process begins with a comprehensive analysis. We test your body’s neurological reflexes, derived from the part of the nervous system responsible for regulating each organ's functions. Additionally, we utilize acupuncture points from the ancient Chinese system, which has proven to be extremely accurate in assessing health.

Each reflex corresponds to a specific organ, tissue, or function, indicating how energy is affecting your body. This system allows us to monitor your health accurately and identify the exact nutrients you need to improve and maintain your well-being.

Personalized Health Improvement Program

Once we have completed the analysis, we design a personalized health improvement program for you. This program includes specific, high-quality nutritional supplements that target the weak areas identified during our testing. Our supplements are made from whole foods, ensuring your body receives the complete nutrient complex it needs to function optimally.

Unlike over-the-counter vitamins, which are often synthetic and lack essential co-factors, our supplements are derived from real, organic foods. This approach ensures that your body can fully absorb and utilize these nutrients, leading to better health outcomes.

Why Choose Nutrition Response Testing?

Many of our patients have experienced significant health improvements through ANA. By addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just the symptoms, we help you achieve lasting wellness.

Our commitment is to guide you on your journey to better health. We believe that with the right nutritional support, your body can heal itself and maintain optimal function. Our goal is to help you understand and meet your body's unique needs, allowing you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Join Our Community

At Auburn Chiropractic Health Clinic, we are more than just a clinic; we are a community dedicated to health and wellness. If you’re ready to take control of your health, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us. Discover the benefits of Applied Nutritional Analysis and start your journey to improved health today.

Contact us at 334-501-4691 to learn more about how our personalized nutritional programs can help you achieve your health goals. Let’s work together to restore your vitality and enhance your quality of life in Auburn, AL.

ANA Kinesiology Muscle Testing

Kinesiology Muscles Testing is a hands-on method of evaluating the functional status of the body through the nervous system's "neurological reflexes" allowing the practitioner to effectively pinpoint and target problem areas.

Neurological reflex points are located all over the body, with each reflex point corresponding to an organ, gland or tissue and can be evalueated with Kinesiology Muscle Reflex Testing

Most people are familiar with basic neurological reflex testing performed on the patient's knees with a small rubber mallet used to tap the knee reflex points. Applying firm pressure to the knee reflex points results in a response of the leg muscle being tested of kicking outward. Similarly, applying firm pressure to reflex point on the surface of the skin above any joint, organ, or muscle results in a response of the arm muscle being tested of either weak or strong reflex.

DNA Testing in Auburn AL

Individualize your health plan based on your Genetic Blueprint


DNA testing is a powerful tool that can help you identify how YOUR body specifically reacts to its environment based on your genetic code by analyzing specific markers in your DNA. This type of testing helps us find actionable DNA that can be changed with improvements to lifestyle and nutrition, and will even give you a blueprint of nutritional needs specific for YOU. 

At Auburn Chiropractic Health Clinic, we are proud to offer patients a comprehensive LIFESTYLE genetic test that can be used to reveal how your body will uniquely respond to specific nutrients, what you eat, and drink, how you exercise, and your environment. 

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We recommend the Reveal My DNA test, which provides a comprehensive analysis that covers an extensive list of 92 Genes and will guide you through a whole-body approach of personalized diet, lifestyle, and environmental insights for vibrant health.

Additionally, we trust Reveal My DNA because of their commitment to make your privacy their priority. All DNA samples we take and test are 100% de-identified through the use of barcoding, so that your identity is protected. The lab testing your DNA sample is housed in the USA and your DNA is owned by you and you alone.  YOUR DNA IS NEVER SHARED OR SOLD. 


It is simple as 1-2-3

  1. Cheek swab test

  2. Mail in prepaid envelope

  3. Get your results in 28 days


Reveal My DNA is a comprehensive lifestyle genetic test that can reveal insights in the following areas:

  • Chronic Illness

  • Fatigue

  • Inflammation

  • Lack of Energy

  • Methylation

  • Nutrient Metabolism & Digestion

  • Hormone Support

  • Mental Health

  • Cognitive Performance

  • Detoxification

  • Toxin Sensitivity

  • Heavy Metal Sensitivity

  • Immune Support

  • Antioxidant Protection

  • DNA Protection & Repair

  • Cardiovascular Health

  • Athletic Performance

  • Personalized DNA-Based Grocery List

  • Personalized Blood Work Recommendations


We recommend the RevealMyDNA test because it is 100% robotic, which removes all chances of human error or contamination and provides test results that are 99.99% accurate and error-free.

Additionally, the Laboratory testing is conducted in the USA at the myDNA CAP, a CLIA accredited facility.


Because your DNA is unique to you and is your genetic blueprint that can help you individualize your health plan.  You only have one body and one life to live and you deserve to have a detailed analysis that works specifically for you!  

Hair Analysis

A Powerful Diagnostic Tool that can help us restore your Body’s Minerals and Reduce Heavy Metals


Hair analysis testing plays an important role in identifying the levels of specific minerals and heavy metals within our bodies, showing us if we have an excess or deficiency of these substances. Our hair acts as a sponge, absorbing minerals and heavy metals from the environment around us, including the food we eat and the air we breathe. By analyzing a small sample of hair, medical professionals can determine whether our bodies possess adequate or inadequate amounts of certain minerals and heavy metals.

Excessive presence of heavy metals such as lead or mercury can be harmful to our health – not only creating significant risks to our overall health, but also adversely affecting vital organs like the brain and kidneys. On the other hand, insufficient levels of essential minerals like iron or zinc can also create health problems.

Hair analysis testing allows us to identify whether adjustments to our diet or lifestyle are necessary to restore a proper balance of minerals and heavy metals in our bodies. By doing so, we can stay healthy and feel our best.

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A small sample of hair will be needed, typically 1 in to 1.5 inches long. The sample is then placed in a sealed, plastic bag and sent to the laboratory for testing.


Hair analysis testing can give us insights into:

  • Whether your body has an excessive amount of heavy metals

  • Whether your body has an insufficient amount of a particular mineral

  • Whether you may be experiencing a lack of energy due to a mineral deficiency 

  • Whether you may be experiencing health issues due to toxicity of heavy metal


Hair analysis testing leverages the data and information that is provided by your hair follicle to give us with a snapshot of your body’s current state.

At Auburn Chiropractic Health Clinic, we believe every patient deserves an individualized treatment and hair analysis testing is a powerful tool to help us customize your journey back to great health.


Common symptoms, such as weakness or fatigue, can be signals from your body telling us that we are iron deficient. On the other hand, high blood pressure can be a manifestation of too much sodium in your diet. 

Hair analysis testing is a simple, yet powerful diagnostic tool that can provide us with information to build out a personalized health plan for you, including an individualized nutrition plan and assessment of vitamin/mineral supplements needed.

 An individualized nutrition plan allows a person to achieve a variety of health goals, such as: 

  • maintaining a healthy weight

  • managing chronic conditions, like diabetes or high blood pressure

  • improving athletic performance

  • feeling better overall

By providing the right balance of nutrients, an individual nutrition plan can help people feel more energized, improve their mood, and reduce their risk of chronic diseases. 

Microbiome Testing

Insights that promote a healthy lifestyle


Your microbiome, also known as your gut or digestive tract, plays a vital role in your overall health. Beyond just the usual suspects of gas, bloating, and intestinal discomfort, the bacteria in your microbiome affect things like weight, inflammation, digestion, allergies, stress, sleep, and more.

At Auburn Chiropractic Health Clinic, we offer microbiome testing. With this test, we can identify problems within your gut and address them so you can experience maximum health. By figuring out what’s going on in your microbiome, we can help you fight illnesses more effectively, identify gaps in your diet, and improve your overall health.

If you have questions about microbiome assessments or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (334) 501-4691 today!

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The Standard Process Microbiome Test Kit is a two-part assessment of your gut microbiome, which is derived from:

  1. Lifestyle Questionnaire | The answers to a questionnaire that you complete when restoring the at-home test. It provides information on your diet, lifestyle, supplement consumption, and overall health.

  2. Gut Microbiome Analysis from a Stool Sample | Your personalized microbiome profile is generated from BIOHM Health's next-generation 16S and ITS sequencing of bacterial and fungal populations in the stool.


Functional Medicine

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm - 4:30pm

Thursday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm- 4:30pm

Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00pm

Sat - Sun: CLOSED

Office Location

861 N Dean Rd Ste A, Auburn, AL 36830

861 N Dean Rd Ste A, Auburn, AL 36830, USA

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